Stock Twisted in Wire Brushes
Twisted-in-wire brushes are commonly referred to by our customers as tube brushes, bottle brushes, pipe brushes, or internal cleaning brushes. Our standard brushes are suitable for both hand-held use and for use in power tools; including drills, drill presses and CNC machining centers.
Twisted-in-wire brushes are made by placing bristle material in between the stem wires and then twisting the stem wires tightly, which secures the filament. With our custom, made-to-order twisted brush capabilities, we can easily adjust the length and diameter of the brush. Combined with our many filament options, the possibilities for your twisted-in-wire brush are practically limitless.
Important: Reversing a twisted-in-wire brush may loosen the stem wire, causing a loss of fill bristles. Always rotate the brush in a clockwise direction when the brush points away from the user. This will tighten the brush construction.
Twisted In-Wire Brush Applications
General applications include cleaning, de-burring, polishing, reaming, finishing or removing debris or burrs from internal non-metallic and metallic surfaces. Specific applications for twisted-in-wire brushes include:
Cleaning internal tubing and piping and cylinders
De-burring machined and threaded holes in castings, tanks and machined parts
Abrasive brushes for tough slag removal
Cleaning medical devices and equipment
Cleaning laboratory equipment and beakers
Cleaning hydraulic fittings and nozzles
Shotgun, pistol and rifle cleaning
Whisper light brushes for cleaning electronic and computer components
Used to dissipate lightning
Remove gases during vacuum distillation process
Used in removing water bubbles in air fluid control
Clean refrigerator coils
Clean valve guides
Clean automotive and aircraft parts
We can easily change the length of the brush, diameter of the brush and the many filaments choices offer virtually endless possibilities
Safety Requirements:Operators must, at all times, observe common safety practices, such as wearing goggles, keeping machine guards in place, observing all speed restrictions, wearing appropriate protective clothing and comply with ANS-B165.1 - 1979 "Safety Requirements For The Design, Care And Use Of Power Driven Brushing Tools."