Cleveland Brush Manufacturers host filament suppliers, brush machine manufacturers and other brush manufacturers at the 63rd Annual Victor F. Miller Memorial Golf Tournament

The Mill-Rose Company held the 63rd annual Victor F. Miller Memorial Golf Tournament at Shaker Heights Country Club in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday, June 22, 2023. Brush manufacturers and suppliers from around the world gathered for the annual event.
The golf event serves as the culmination of activities the week before where brush company representatives renew alliances, discuss business trends and opportunities for the brush manufacturing industry. Brushes manufactured by these companies are used in virtually every type of industry around the world. Applications include makeup/mascara brushes, hair brushes, floor sweeping and polishing brushes, gun cleaning brushes, car wash brushes, copier toner brushes, brooms, paint brushes, and special brushes used in the medical field.
The weather was perfect for the golfing event. Skills of the golfers ranged from novice to near professional, however, a good time was enjoyed by all. Prizes were awarded to golfers for outstanding performance including:
- First Place, Low Gross – Dan Kirtz (Malish Corp)
- Second Place, Low Gross – Jim Benjamin (Precision Brush)
- Third Place, Low Gross – Tie Breaker between Chris Monahan (Brush Fibers) and RJ Lindstrom (Zephyr Manufacturing) going to Chris Monahan
- Closest to the Pin – Ian “Lord” Moss (Brush Fibers)
- Closest to the Pin – Dan Kirtz (Malish Corp)
- Longest Putt, Ian “Lord” Moss (Brush Fibers)
- Longest Drive, RJ Lindstrom (Zephyr Manufacturing)
- Paul M Miller Wolf Championship, First Place, Chris Monahan (Brush Fibers)
- Last but not least, an award was given to Bart Simon, previously of Phillips Brush, for his dedication to the event. It was noted that his support of the Victor F. Miller Annual Golf event began in 1973, spanning 50 years!
A dinner followed the golfing event with speakers including American Brush Manufacturers Association President Chris Monahan who provided updates on upcoming industry events, including the 63rd annual FEIBP Congress in Belfast, Ireland, the 107th American Brush Manufacturers Association Convention in Amelia Island, Florida and the inaugural World Brush Expo being held in Bologna Italy, May 22-24, 2024.
“Tradition” was the keynote speech delivered by host Gregory Miller, stressing the importance of association activities like the Victor F. Miller golf event. “I’m always impressed by the support and camaraderie at our events that strengthen bonds and create opportunities within our great industry. Look within your own organizations and push the next generation to get involved in association and brush-related activities,” said Miller..